Category: Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp
Posted in Freshwater Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp Unboxing – How to Make a Drip Acclimation System
Drip Acclimation While cherry shrimp are easy to care for, they are sensitive to fluctuations in water parameters. For example, they do not tolerate sudden…
Posted in Freshwater Shrimp
How to Care for Cherry Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp are small fresh water shrimp native to Taiwan. They reach about 1.5 inches at max and eat mostly algae.
Posted in Freshwater Shrimp
Calcium for Shrimp and Snails
Shrimp and snails have shells that require calcium regularly. A shrimp shell is anywhere from 30%-50% calcium carbonate and a snail shell is 95%-98% calcium…
Posted in Freshwater Shrimp
Amano Shrimp
The Amano Shrimp is a popular shrimp with aquarium hobbyists. It’s a peaceful shrimp that is great at controlling algae and food left on the…
Posted in Freshwater Shrimp
Buying from Local Hobbyists Cherry Shrimp
Fish stores aren’t the only place to purchase fish. In the above video I talk about reaching out to other aquarium hobbyists to get fish…